Illustration by Clic Clac and The Crocodile for the pilot episode of The Fairy in the Golden Bell.
Author: The Bilingual Crocodile
The fairy that lived in the golden bell (pilot episode)
The Hen and the Crocodile are on break, so today we offer a pilot episode of a brand new story. The fairy lives in a golden bell, at the heart of the forest. She has two friends, Nanoo and Moomoo. One plays the xylophone, the other the flute. Let us know if you like this episode. (Yes, we are still experimenting on how to record live improv audio stories as a family).
TGV dinosaur
The entire second episode in one illustration
Nassim’s Alternate Universe: The Water-Bloated Hot Pink Hen and the Crocodile (Season 1, Episode 2)
In this episode, we discover Superchicken’s alternate universe for the first time. The story resembles the one in our universe, told by ClipClap. But it also takes unexpected twists and turns… You won’t believe who ends up fighting the crocodile in this episode…
Dinosaure (I)
Le goûter du sourire (Afternoon Tea)
The original crocodile
So we blindly listened (non-sequitur) to contemporary-art-diva-with-a-potty-mouth Marie Boisseau and headed for to the Louvre this afternoon to see the exhibit The myth of origins, from Hercules to Darth Vador (Mythes fondateurs. D’Hercule à Dark Vador). It’s a small exhibit that ends in a cul-de-sac, but then leads you to other parts of the museum. Of course, 10-year-old SuperChicken was into it because of the Star Wars reference… And guess who turns out to be the primordial mother, who nourishes the living and brings forth the earth? A crocodile, bien sûr!
Cette sculpture représente la mère primordiale qui nourrit les vivants et fait jaillir la terre. L’artiste a donné à ce grand crocodile une forme proche de la réalité, soulignant la puissance de l’animal tout en montrant son côté protecteur. (Culture iatmul, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, 20e siècle. Bois, pigments)
This is a sculpture of the primordial mother, who nourishes the living and brings forth the earth. The artist has given this large crocodile a near-realistic shape, accentuating its power while displaying its protective side. (Iatmul culture, Papua New Guinea, 20th century. Wood, pigments.)
Where is the crocodile?
The bubble-gum pink hen breaks out of the henhouse (Season 1, Episode 1)
In this episode, the hen breaks out of the henhouse! She heads for the river, and then you won’t believe what happens next…!