What is norms shifting in immunization and global health

What is norms-shifting in immunization and global health?

Reda SadkiGlobal health

The concept of “norms shifting perspectiveā€¯, in the field of immunization and global health focuses on strategies that aim to alter norms and attitudes towards vaccination to promote uptake and acceptance. This perspective acknowledges the influence that social norms have on individuals decisions regarding vaccination. Aims to utilize this insight to enhance acceptance through well crafted policies, messaging and interventions. The goal is to make vaccination the expected and socially endorsed choice across communities Here are a few aspects of this perspective. Recognizing the influence of social norms on vaccination behavior: Using accurate information about norms to increase acceptance: Shaping norms through public policy: Designing targeted interventions: Considering unintended consequences: Adapting to local contexts: Taking a long-term view: Where to learn more about norms-shifting in immunization? Bardosh, K., De Figueiredo, A., Gur-Arie, R., Jamrozik, E., Doidge, J., Lemmens, T., Keshavjee, S., Graham, J.E., Baral, S., 2022. The unintended consequences of …