Noah and Reg discuss teaching and learning theories

Teaching and learning in The Walking Dead (S05E14)

Reda SadkiCulture, Learning

In this episode, the young Noah has asked to meet with Reg, an elderly architect or engineer who had the know-how to build the wall that protects the community of Alexandria, which some believe has survived zombies and other predators mostly by sheer luck.

Noah recognizes that it’s more than luck – and wants to Reg to pass on knowledge and expertise that is different from that needed only to avert death. Reg shows him a notebook in which he’s kept personal notes on events, and offers one of the notebooks so that Noah can begin to keep a record.

Outcome? Noah dies in the next episode. So much for transmissive learning and container views of knowledge.

(It appears that YouTube will prevent viewers in some countries from accessing the brief excerpt I’ve posted there. Apologies if you are unable to see it.)

– How is it that you called this extremely early morning meeting, yet I’m the one bringing breakfast?
– ‘Cause you’re a good guy.
– The evidence seems to go in that direction.
– What’s up?
– Can we start meeting in the mornings?
– So I can bring you steel-cut oatmeal and ask you why we’re meeting?
– So you can teach me how to build things.
– You want to be an architect?
– I want to make sure those walls stay up.
– Do you think they could fall?
– I think they could get knocked in. Could be years from now, could be when I’m your age.
– (chuckles) I’ll still be around when you’re my age.
– Well, it wouldn’t hurt if I knew some of what you knew. For the walls, the houses. Some new buildings.
– So you’re in it for the long haul?
– Yeah. What are you writing?
– Oh, I write everything down. Everything of note. Now you should.
– There’s gonna be a lot to remember.
– This is the beginning of this place. You should record all that. Along with everything I’m gonna teach you about building things. (turns off water)
– Oh, no, thank you.

Transcript source