How we make sense of complexity at The Geneva Learning Foundation

How we make sense of complexity, together, at the Geneva Learning Foundation

Reda SadkiThe Geneva Learning Foundation

Unique learning experiences generate not just data points but complex stories about what it takes to make change actually happenBy connecting the dots between ideas and implementation, we can zero in on the highest-value insights. 

Our Insights Unit uses the latest advances in learning analytics to map how ideas and practices shared between countries and system levels make a difference. 

The Unit facilitates international partners to work hand-in-hand with local practitioners. 

In addition to thousands of local practitioners contributing and using insights to drive shared learning and action, our Insights Unit’s work is being used by leading global agencies. Examples include: 

  • Effective strategies to overcome vaccine hesitancy in districts and health facilities (BMGF) 
  • Motivation of local health professionals for COVID-19 vaccination (Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance) 
  • Learning culture as a key driver of frontline health worker performance (Wellcome Trust) 
  • Gender barriers, vaccine confidence, and other immunization challenges (WellcomeTrust) 
  • Analysis of implementation of recovery plans in TGLF’s COVID-19 peer support programme (WHO and USAID Momentum) 

We are exploring affordable, practical ways to extract meaning from large data sets 

To learn more about the Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF), download our brochure, listen to our podcast, view our latest livestreams, subscribe to our insights, and follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Or introduce yourself to our Partnerships team.