Why become a Teach to Reach Partner?

Why become a Teach to Reach Partner?

Reda SadkiGlobal health

We need new ways to tackle global health challenges that impact local communities.

It is obvious that technology alone is not enough.

We need human ingenuity, collaboration, and the ability to share across borders and boundaries.

That is why I am excited about Teach to Reach.

Imagine if we could tap into the collective intelligence of over 20,000 health professionals working on the front lines in low- and middle-income countries.

What insights could we gain?

What innovations might we uncover?

This is exactly what Teach to Reach is doing.

In June 2024, Teach to Reach 10 brought together 21,389 participants from across the health system – from community health workers to national policymakers.

This diverse group represents an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience that has often been overlooked in global health decision-making.

Bridge the gap between policy and practice

One of the most exciting aspects of Teach to Reach is how it bridges the gap between policy and practice.

Too often, there is a disconnect between those making decisions at the global level and those implementing programs on the ground.

Teach to Reach creates a direct line of communication, allowing frontline workers to influence policy and program design in real-time.

This approach not only leads to more effective interventions but also empowers health workers, increasing their engagement and motivation.

Scale knowledge transfer and translation efficiently

In global health, we are always looking for ways to scale solutions efficiently.

This scaling effect is particularly crucial in low-resource settings, where formal learning opportunities may be limited.

Teach to Reach applies this principle to peer learning.

Then there is speed.

The platform can disseminate best practices and local solutions much more rapidly than traditional top-down approaches.

There is also the “know-do” gap or the “applicability problem”.

Teach to Reach supports continuous learning by sharing experience, focused on how to get results, especially at the local community level.

Measuring impact and driving innovation

The Teach to Reach platform uses a comprehensive framework to track the value of participation for individuals and the benefits for partners.

But we do not stop there.

Teach to Reach is just one component in the Geneva Learning Foundation’s model to support new learning and leadership to drive change.

We then track and measure what participants do with the knowledge gained and the experiences shared.

We do this all the way to the time where improved health outcomes can be attributed to a discovery or significant learning made at Teach to Reach.

Moreover, Teach to Reach serves as an innovation hub, surfacing diverse ideas and solutions from the field.

For organizations looking to drive innovation in their global health programs, this platform offers a new path to creative problem-solving with those closest to the challenges.

A call to action for global health leaders

If you are a leader in the global health space, I urge you to consider partnering with Teach to Reach.

Here are 5 ways in which partners have found utility in Teach to Reach:

  1. Inform a strategy with ground-level insights.
  2. Expand reach across multiple countries and health system levels.
  3. Tap into a diverse pool of local solutions – and help augment and scale them.
  4. Demonstrate commitment to supporting locally-led, community-based positive change.
  5. Accelerate progress towards global health goals through collaborative learning.

In today’s interconnected world, our ability to solve global health challenges depends on our capacity to learn from one another and scale effective solutions quickly.

Teach to Reach is pioneering a new approach that harnesses the power of peer learning to do just that.

Investing in Teach to Reach can help unlock the full potential of our global health workforce and make significant strides towards a healthier, more equitable world.

The future of global health is collaborative.

Teach to Reach provides a way to turn the rhetoric of collaboration into practical action.