How Teach to Reach can help your organization

Can Teach to Reach help your organization?

Reda SadkiGlobal health

Teach to Reach stands as a unique nexus in the global health landscape, offering unprecedented opportunities for diverse stakeholders to engage, learn, and drive meaningful change.

With over 60,000 participants from more than 90 countries, this platform, network, and community bring together an unparalleled mix of frontline health workers, policymakers, and key decision-makers.

At Teach to Reach, research institutions and academic researchers engage health workers to translate their findings into policy and practice

For research institutions and academic partners, Teach to Reach provides a site for knowledge translation.

It provides direct access to practitioners and policymakers at all levels, enabling researchers to share findings with those best positioned to apply them in real-world settings.

The platform’s interactive features, such as “Teach to Reach Questions,” allow for rapid data collection and feedback, helping bridge the gap between research and practice.

At Teach to Reach, global agencies can listen and learn with local communities

Global health organizations can leverage Teach to Reach to gain invaluable insights into unmet needs of local communities.

With half of the participants working in districts and local facilities, and many in challenging contexts such as armed conflict zones or remote rural areas, partners can engage with ground-level perspectives that inform development, strategies, and programme design.

This direct engagement with frontline workers offers a unique window into the realities of diverse health systems.

At Teach to Global, global actors help elevate the voices and leadership of local actors

For those looking to make a tangible impact on global health equity, Teach to Reach’s scholarship programme offers a compelling opportunity.

Scholarship sponsors support health workers from low and middle-income countries to participate in Teach to Reach.

This investment not only builds individual capacity but strengthens health systems by recognizing and amplifying health worker voices and expertise.

Facilitate meaningful dialogue on critical issues

Global health stakeholders find in Teach to Reach a platform that facilitates meaningful dialogue on critical issues.

The diverse participant base, including national policymakers and heads of national programmes, creates an environment ripe for new kinds of inclusive dialogue that can shape national and global strategies and frameworks.

Become a Teach to Reach sponsor

This mix of participants offers partners a unique opportunity to engage with key decision-makers in an interactive, collaborative setting.

Some partners also become sponsors by contributing to the costs.

For example, partners can sponsor scholarships for health workers to support their participation in Teach to Reach.

This is just one of the ways in which partners can help sustain Teach to Reach as a platform, network, and community.

Sponsoring Teach to Reach aligns seamlessly with corporate social responsibility goals in global health.

By this platform, organizations can articulate their concrete commitment to strengthening health systems, showing their support to health workers, and promoting health equity.

This engagement goes beyond traditional philanthropy, offering sponsors a way to showcase their dedication to improving global health outcomes while enhancing their reputation in the field.

In essence, Teach to Reach offers a multifaceted value proposition for partners.

It is a place to listen and learn, to share and collaborate, to influence and be influenced.

Whether an organization’s goals revolve around research impact, market insights, policy influence, or social responsibility, Teach to Reach provides a unique, efficient, and impactful way to achieve them.

By joining this community, partners do not just support a platform – they become part of a movement that is reshaping how we approach global health challenges, one connection at a time.