Much scaffolding, King's Cross Station, London

Back to London on Thursday to talk learning strategy for humanitarian and development organizations

Reda SadkiWriting

I’m looking forward to being back in London on Thursday 13 March for People In Aid’s Learning & Development network meeting.

This group meets four times a year to discuss issues in which there is a shared interest across organizations. Previous topics have covered how to “measure” learning or the design of competency frameworks, for example. Recent projects presented at the meetings include Save The Children’s Humanitarian and Leadership Academy (a major project to scale up professionalization of the sector) or RedR’s competency framework for humanitarian training. Each meeting’s report is a short but often insightful summary around a project or theme, and can be found here.

As for me, I’ll be sharing key insights from the European MOOC Stakeholders’ Summit as we try to figure out what these massive, open online courses might mean for the humanitarian and development sector. I’ll also share a couple of case studies documenting how online learning can be used to learn 21st century knowledge skills. The whole point is to think about how learning can go from being incidental to strategic.

You can find out more about this event on’s events page or from the People In Aid web site.

Photo: Much scaffolding, King’s Cross Station, London (orangeaurochs/