Saci in Defunking Grunter-small

Defunking Grunter

Reda SadkiThinking aloud, Writing

Part 1: The Journey Begins

Suspended in the swirling galaxies beyond our own, the celestial stage of the Cat’s Eye Nebula shimmered. The nebula was a kaleidoscope of iridescent gases, dazzling cosmic dust, and radiant energy, an ideal sanctuary for the Astral Scholars. Their gathering place, the Obsidian Forum, was a levitating, jet-black platform, as if carved from a fragment of the universe itself. It was etched with constellations, celestial bodies, and navigational lines of ancient wormholes–an atlas of the universe under their feet.

The youngest among them, Saci, was a fledgling star, her eyes twinkling with raw curiosity and a deep yearning for acceptance. A cloud of unresolved excitement perpetually surrounded her, compelling yet subtle, a characteristic trait of many passionate seekers before her.

One day, during a session of interstellar navigation training, her enthusiasm came to the fore. Saci hurriedly approached the Grand Orrery, a celestial model showcasing real-time cosmic patterns and wormhole trajectories.

“Look, Sumé,” she called, her finger tracing the holographic routes swirling around the Orrery. “The quantum oscillations of the Thule wormhole – they’re anomalous, aren’t they? Do you think they might cause instability?”

Sumé, a gentle smile on his face, looked at the eager apprentice. “Saci,” he said, his voice as calm as a placid cosmic sea, “those oscillations are part of the natural rhythm of this Nebula. What makes you interpret them as signs of instability?”

She looked back at him, her eyes sparkling with conviction. “Because, aren’t these patterns identical to the Arcturian Singularity that collapsed last millennium? I’ve read about it in the chronicles.”

Sumé chuckled softly, “Your diligence is commendable, Saci. But remember, not every rhythm plays the same tune. Sometimes, young star, the cosmos dances just for the sake of it.”

As Sumé’s words trailed off, the other Astral Scholars watched from the corners, a twinkle of amusement and anticipation in their eyes. This was just the beginning of a long and winding journey.

Little did they know, it would prove transformative for them all.

Part 2: Cosmic symphony

In the grand theater of the cosmos, the Obsidian Forum remained a tranquil sanctuary nestled in the heart of the Cat’s Eye Nebula. The Astral Scholars, guardians of cosmic wisdom, convened here, each bringing their unique light to the stellar discourse. Amidst them, Saci, a fledgling star, was on a path of self-transformation.

It was Sumé, Saci’s mentor, who first perceived the subtle shift in the cosmic tide. Sumé, the guiding luminary appreciated for his wisdom and empathy, felt the ripples between Saci and the Astral Scholars. Sensing the need for a gentle intervention, he decided to foster a bridge of understanding between them.

Beneath the timeless gaze of the cosmos, Sumé approached Saci, his voice as soothing as a cosmic lullaby. “Saci,” he began, his words imbued with an age-old wisdom, “A journey towards knowledge often walks hand in hand with humility. It’s about engaging in a dance of giving and receiving, a cycle as old as the cosmos itself.”

Saci listened, her fiery spirit quieted by the softness of Sumé’s words. Part of her perceived his counsel as a reflection on her demeanor. The protective shell of her self-awareness hardened, a comet fortifying itself against the cosmic wind.

“I appreciate your guidance, Sumé,” Saci responded, her voice vibrating with a controlled energy. “But do I really need to dismiss my very own thoughts? After all, isn’t the cosmos itself a cacophony of countless stars, each shining in its unique way?”

The celestial silence that followed was palpable, a quiet pause before the eruption of a supernova. Sumé regarded Saci, her resolute spirit flickering like the pulsating rhythm of a quasar.

“Indeed, Saci,” Sumé replied gently, his gaze unblinking. “The cosmos is a symphony, each star adding its own note. But remember, the harmony is born from listening as much as from contributing. Only then does the cosmic dance truly take shape.”

His words echoed in the Obsidian Forum, a quiet place that embodied understanding and unity. Yet, Saci remained cocooned in her protective shell, her fledgling light dancing between self-doubt and self-affirmation. This spirited exchange between Sumé and Saci marked a key turning point, revealing a complex tapestry of cosmic interplay. It was an age-old dance of wisdom and perception, a dance that had only just begun.

Part 3: The Dance of Realization

In the expansive theater of the cosmos, the Obsidian Forum was alight with anticipation. The Astral Scholars convened once more, their collective wisdom creating a celestial symphony. At the heart of this cosmic orchestra, Saci stood, her spirit dancing on the precipice of understanding.

A cosmic day dawned when Saci once again took the floor. Her voice, now more tempered but still vibrant, filled the forum, “I’ve been thinking, revisiting my understanding of TGLF and Movement. Perhaps I’ve been viewing them through a narrow cosmic lens, my own.”

Sumé observed her, a quiet sense of anticipation glinting in his eyes. “That’s a brave admission, Saci,” he commented, his voice as serene as the cosmic sea, “It’s only through recognizing our constraints that we learn to perceive the boundless.”

This time, Saci didn’t bristle at the mentor’s words. Instead, she took a moment, absorbing his wisdom. There was no sharp retort, no defiant glare. Just a simple nod, signifying her acceptance and understanding.

The days passed like comets streaking across the cosmic sky, each bringing with it a new opportunity for Saci to learn and grow. She began to approach the Astral Scholars, engaging them in thoughtful conversations, exchanging ideas and exploring possibilities. The once ruffled cosmic energy was now smoothing into a harmonious flow.

“I’ve come to understand that the cosmic dance isn’t merely about contributing one’s rhythm but adapting to the music already playing,” Saci said one day, her voice echoing the newfound realization.

Sumé smiled, his eyes reflecting the pulsating lights of the Nebula. “And that, Saci, is the beauty of our cosmic symphony. It’s about playing our notes while also tuning in to the melody of the universe.”

Saci’s journey was far from complete, but she was learning. She was learning to question her understanding, to seek wisdom, and to adapt. Her fiery spirit had not dimmed; instead, it was glowing with a newfound brilliance, illuminating her path towards becoming a true Astral Scholar.

As the cosmic twilight descended, Sumé watched Saci. Her transformation was reminiscent of a celestial event, where a collapsing star forms a beautiful Nebula. It was a challenging process, as boundless as the galaxies themselves, but the outcome was worth the struggle.

Sumé knew that Saci’s journey was just beginning. There were galaxies of knowledge to explore, infinite cosmic mysteries to unravel. But for now, he was content. For now, Saci was dancing with the cosmos, and the cosmos was dancing back.

With her enthusiasm mildly tempered but not extinguished, Saci ventured further into the Astral Scholar’s realm of knowledge. She found herself engrossed in the study of the Trans-Galactic Light Flux (TGLF), a phenomenon as mesmerizing as it was complex. Her observations led her to draw parallels between it and Movement, an elevated state of consciousness understood and practiced by the Astral Scholars.

One evening, as the cosmic choir of distant stars filled the Obsidian Forum, she approached Sumé. “I believe I’ve found something significant, Sumé,” she said, a gleam of excitement in her eyes.

Sumé turned to her, his face illuminated by the myriad colors of the Cat’s Eye Nebula. “Go on, Saci. What discovery awaits us tonight?”

“I’ve been studying TGLF,” she started, her hands involuntarily weaving through the air as if molding her thoughts into tangible forms. “And I think… I think it’s a form of energy transport, you know? And there’s a parallel with Movement, an exchange of energy at a higher level of consciousness. They’re intertwined.”

There was a pregnant pause as Sumé absorbed her words. Then he replied, “An interesting perspective, Saci. Your innovative thinking keeps us on our toes. But remember, TGLF and Movement, though they might seem related, function on different planes. One is the heartbeat of the cosmos, while the other is the song of our souls.”

Later, Saci presented her ideas to the conclave. Her voice was firm, her gaze unwavering. She spoke with conviction, her words leaving ripples in the energy matrix of the Forum. Some Astral Scholars responded with applause, others with probing questions, and a few with skeptical silence.

As Saci navigated the nuances of cosmic academia, she began feeling the weight of differences in her viewpoints. She noticed her perspectives sometimes overlooked the tradition of ‘stellar contribution’, a fundamental part of the Astral Scholar’s social contract. It was like missing a star from a constellation, leading to incomplete celestial narratives.

“Saci,” Sumé began in a gentle tone, after one heated debate had dissolved into cosmic silence, “Your theories are like comets, bright and fascinating. But remember, each celestial body, each star and planet, contributes to the cosmic dance. This, too, is a part of our learning, our growth.”

Listening to Sumé’s words, Saci felt a twinge of isolation but also a spark of curiosity. The day’s lesson had been a tumultuous ride through cosmic wisdom, but she realized that her journey was only just beginning. The Astral Scholars watched her retreating figure, their eyes gleaming with unspoken thoughts. The journey was far from over, and there was still much to learn for everyone.

Throughout the cosmic days and celestial nights, Saci dove deeper into the intricacies of the cosmos. She brought forth radical theories and challenged age-old interpretations, her voice echoing throughout the Obsidian Forum. Her bright mind shone like a supernova, illuminating previously uncharted corners of cosmic understanding.

Yet, it was not without consequence. Her relentless drive to validate her theories sometimes made her miss out on the gentle wisdom carried by the cosmic winds. Her interactions started drifting towards a series of inquiries and statements that leaned more towards validation rather than mutual understanding.

One such day, during a meeting under the veil of a cosmic aurora, Saci brought forth a new framework about the behavior of Quantum Strings. “Isn’t it plausible,” she argued passionately, “that the Quantum Strings in the Sumé Belt oscillate at a higher frequency due to the influence of TGLF?”

The Forum fell silent, each Scholar processing her theory. After a moment, Cygnus, the oldest among them, replied, “Saci, your enthusiasm is a beacon of hope for all of us. Your thirst for knowledge, undeniable. But have you considered the universal harmony in your hypothesis, the subtle rhythm of the cosmos? And the ‘stellar contribution’ that each celestial body brings to this cosmic ballet?”

Saci met his gaze, her heart pounding with the intensity of a pulsar. “I… I have,” she said, “but the strings’ behavior is so compelling, it’s hard to ignore.”

Cygnus responded with a soft smile, “Indeed, it is. Yet, the cosmos is a grand orchestra, my dear. Not a single note out of place, not a single beat without purpose.”

That night, as the cosmic choir hushed and the Obsidian Forum basked under the soft glow of the Cat’s Eye Nebula, Saci found herself wrestling with a whirlwind of thoughts. Her conviction wavered, her theories began to seem flawed. Yet, she was adamant about standing her ground. The Astral Scholars watched her from the corner of their eyes, seeing a reflection of their own past in her passionate defiance. They realized that their newest member was beginning a transformative journey that was as much hers as it was theirs. It was only the beginning.

Beneath the brilliant display of the Cat’s Eye Nebula, Saci’s fervor continued to permeate the Obsidian Forum. She was a force, a cosmic storm that stirred the otherwise tranquil conclave. She was bold and innovative, pushing boundaries and invoking intense debates. Yet, underneath her confident exterior, the Astral Scholars observed subtle signs of a silent battle.

One cosmic twilight, Sumé found Saci gazing at the holographic star maps, her face bathed in a soft celestial glow. “Saci, your presence reminds me of a fledgling supernova, ready to explode and scatter your elements across the cosmos,” he said, his voice barely a whisper.

Saci turned towards Sumé, her mentor and her guiding star. “And what if the cosmos rejects my elements, Sumé?” she asked, her voice shaking, revealing a side she had often masked with her indomitable spirit.

Sumé took a moment to answer, his gaze soft. “The cosmos doesn’t reject, Saci. It transforms. Your elements, your ideas, they add to the cosmic soup. They cause reactions, start a chain of events that lead to new creations. This is the essence of ‘stellar contribution.’ Embrace the differences, the debates, and the questions.”

As Saci absorbed Sumé’s words, a realization dawned upon her. Her perception of acceptance had been rooted in agreement, while the cosmos and the Astral Scholars thrived on divergence, debates, and transformation.

While her confidence seemed unscathed, the Astral Scholars couldn’t miss the shadow of self-doubt that had subtly started to creep in. Sumé, the gentle mentor, understood this was a crucial turning point in Saci’s journey. He knew she was ready to embark on an introspective journey to revisit her beliefs, question her understanding, and transform her approach. As Sumé and the Astral Scholars looked on, Saci stood at the precipice of a great learning curve. This was her initiation into a deeper understanding of cosmic knowledge, a step towards becoming a true Astral Scholar.

And so, under the incandescent gaze of the Cat’s Eye Nebula, the first chapter of Saci’s journey among the Astral Scholars came to a close. It was a chapter of discovery, of challenging conventions, and of understanding the intricate dance of cosmic forces. But, most importantly, it was about the recognition of her own growth areas and the willingness to address them.

As the cosmic twilight gave way to the shimmering space-time fabric, the Obsidian Forum began to shimmer with the echoes of Saci’s thoughts. Her realization about her journey sparked a metamorphosis in her approach, a change as significant as the birth of a star.

Sumé and the Astral Scholars watched Saci’s retreating figure against the cosmic backdrop. They saw the uncertainty in her eyes, the self-doubt that threatened to overshadow her bright spirit. But they also saw a glimmer of hope, the promise of a new dawn, the beginning of a deeper understanding.

Yes, Saci had made mistakes. Yes, her ideas had stirred the cosmic pot. And yes, she had a long path ahead of her, a path fraught with learning and challenges. But she was just at the beginning of this path, and every path has its own wisdom to offer.

And so, as the Nebula watched silently, Saci left the Obsidian Forum, her mind full of thoughts, her heart filled with resolve. The first chapter of her journey had come to a close, but the story was far from over. In the grand cosmic dance, Saci was still finding her steps, still learning the rhythm, and the Astral Scholars were right beside her, guiding, watching, and learning alongside.

General Assembly of the Movement for Immunization Agenda 2030 on 14 March 2022

Reda SadkiGlobal health

Summary of highlights from the Full Learning Cycle, Monday 14 March

  1. # of participants: By Monday, 6,319 immunization professionals accepted to the Full Learning Cycle, including 3,592 Anglophones and 2,727 Francophones.
  2. Participation: Scholars are participating with high motivation and bringing an incredible energy to build the IA2030 Movement. You can read their first-person perspectives on why they are participating in the Full Learning Cycle on slides 81-99. These slides show only a selected few quotes from more than 2,000 Scholars’ feedback to our “barometer”, a tool for them to share how they are doing in the Full Learning Cycle, which helps us to get the “pulse” of the whole group and adapt support.
  3. By Monday, 313 ideas and practices submitted over the course of one week in the Ideas Engine. This number has now gone up to 559. You can see a breakdown of these ideas by country and by SP on slides 32-80.
  4. Scholars are sharing with peers their immunization experiences in short 30-minute sessions with François Gasse and Charlotte. You can see slides 102-105 for a summary of experiences shared last week.


Anglophones: link to slidedecklink to recording

Francophones: link to slidedecklink to recording

How do we shift our capacity to embrace a volatile, complex world?

Reda SadkiThinking aloud

This week, the Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF) is Devex’s “Presenting Partner”. We are proud to be sharing with Devex’s 170,000 NewsWire subscribers the remarkable progress and the results, outcomes, and impact we have achieved since the pandemic hit. Discover how we connect people, organizations, and communities to achieve collective impact better and fasterGet in touch

  • We stand ready to support any organization or network that needs to mobilize people at scale in support of meaningful change.
  • We are seeking partners that share our yearning for transformation, and that can bring their challenges, resources, and capabilities to make this yearning a reality.
  • We are actively fundraising to develop our global platform so we can support more partners tackling ‘wicked’ problems.

The need for change is evident.

Is your organization rethinking how it contributes to achieving global goals?

  • Humanitarian INGOs headquartered in Geneva, London, or Washington are striving to “localize aid”.
  • A growing concert of voices is calling for the decolonization of global health.
  • Some donors are trying to listen to feedback from communities, not just metrics.

How do we shift our capacity to embrace a volatile, complex world?

The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF) has developed a unique approach, grounded in learning science and a decade of research and practice, to nurture digital networks. Read Reda Sadki’s blog post: How we used this approach to support over 40,000 immunization staff facing the COVID-19 pandemic

We build collective capacity for transformation. Download a snapshot of our immunization programme

We do this in ways that motivate participants to connect and implement thousands of their own locally-designed projects, leading to measurable, lasting impact.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an opportunity for a digital-first Renaissance.

The next 20 years of working for change are likely to be about harnessing digital transformation through hybrid networks fusing digital and physical.

Learning how to develop people is a vital investment for the promise of digital to be realized. Read more about the digital-first Renaissance

I hope that you will take the time to learn more about our work to determine if what we do might fit what you need.

To learn more about the Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF), download our brochure, listen to our podcast, view our latest livestreams, subscribe to our insights, and follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Or introduce yourself to our Partnerships team.

Young Egyptian doctor Mai Abdalla leadership innovation teamwork

Listen to the Ninth Dialogue for Learning, Leadership, and Impact

Reda SadkiWriting

The Geneva Learning foundation’s Dialogue connects a diverse group of learning leaders from all over the world who are tackling complex learning, leadership, and impact challenges. We explore the significance of leadership for the future of our societies, explore lessons learned and successes, and problem-solve real-world challenges and dilemmas submitted by Contributors of the Dialogue.

In the Geneva Learning Foundation’s Ninth Dialogue for Learning & Leadership, we start with Dr. Mai Abdalla. After studying global health security in at Yosei University South Korea and both public health and pharmaceutical science in her own country, Egypt. By the time she turned 30, Dr Abdalla had already worked with the Ministry of Health, UN agencies, and the African Union Commission. The accomplishments of her professional life are just the starting point, as we want to explore where and how did she learn to do what she does now? What has shaped her practice of leadership?

We are privileged to have Key Contributors Laura Bierema and Bill Gardner, together with Karen Watkins, three Scholars who have dedicated their life’s work to the study of leadership and learning. As we learn about Mai Abdalla’s leadership journey, they share their insights and reflections.

Here are a few of the questions we have explored in previous episodes of the Dialogue:

  • How do you define your leadership in relationship to learning?
  • Do you see yourself as a leader? Why or why not? If you do, who are your ‘followers’? Are you a ‘learning leader’ and, if so, what does that mean?
  • How do you define leadership in this Digital Age? How is it different from leadership in the past?
  • When and how did you realize the significance of the leadership question in your work and life? Who or what helped you come to consciousness? What difference did it make to have this new consciousness about the importance of leadership?
  • What is your own leadership practice now? Can you tell us about a time when you exercised ‘leadership’. What were the lessons learned? What would you do the same or differently if confronted with the same situation in the future?

In the second half of the Dialogue, we explored the leadership challenges of other other invited Contributors, including:

  • Sanusi Getso on leadership to establish antenatal care services for a neglected community.
  • Alève Mine shares her quandary about how to understand something for which no scaffold exists in one’s current view of the world.

Listen to the Eighth Dialogue for Learning and Leadership

Reda SadkiLeadership, Writing

Discover the leadership journeys of two remarkable learning leaders

Every episode is different, drawing on the life experiences of Key Contributors and of listeners.

As a listener, you can become a Contributor by sharing your own learning and leadership challenge – and what you are doing about it. Share your challenge

In the Eighth Dialogue, Karen E. Watkins and I were joined for the first time by Key Contributors Iris Isip-Tan and digital higher education strategist Keith Hampson. In Part 1 of the Dialogue – before deep-diving into the Metaverse – we explored:

  • How Iris Isip-Tan, Director of the Interactive Learning Center at the University of the Philippines in Manila, helped her colleagues pivot to emergency digital learning during lockdown – and to what extent this has led to more lasting change. How has this shaped her leadership journey?
  • In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Peter Tippett built a platform to help yoga teachers replicate and augment the direct observation and feedback that are key to their experience of teaching and learning. You will be surprised to discover where and how Peter learned the practice of leadership. 

On the Metaverse and its significance for learning leaders

In Part 2, we shifted our attention to the Metaverse, following Mark Zuckerberg‘s announcement that he is betting his company’s future on it. Here is how Marne Levine, Facebook’s chief business officer, described her vision for learning:

“In the Metaverse, learning won’t feel like anything we’ve learned before. With a headset or glasses, you’ll be able to pull up schematics you’re studying, or maybe even the service manual for a vehicle you are learning to repair. Let’s say you’re a med student or a doctor. With apps like Oh So VR, you can learn new techniques in surgery first hand, practicing until you get it right. Or, if you’re studying earth science, you could swim through the Great Barrier Reef, get up close to Earth’s mightiest insects, with your instructor David Attenborough whose VR documentary is playing now in Oculus TV [David Attenorouogh voiceover]. This is just one of the ways that we are going to learn in the future.”

Listen to the Dialogue for Learning & Leadership on Spotify

Listen to the Dialogue for Learning & Leadership on YouTube

Digital learning at Learning Strategies International

How we work

Reda SadkiLearning design, Skills

We achieve operational excellence to provide a high-quality, personalized and transformative learning experience for each learner – no matter how many are in the cohort.

We achieve this by:

  • Building on the best available evidence from research and our own practice in adult learning to address, engage, and retain busy, working professionals;
  • Responding as quickly as we possibly can to learner queries and problems – and ensuring that individual problem-solving are used to improve the experience of the entire group;
  • Finding the sweet spot between structure (unambiguous instructions, schedule, and process) and process agility (adapting activities to improve support to learners); and
  • Designing for facilitation to empower learners, scaffolding their journey but recognizing that they are the ones who best know their context and needs.

Together, these capabilities combine to:

  • Offer a personalized learning experience in which each learner receives the support they need, and feels a growing sense of belonging.
  • Recreate an experience of collaboration that surpasses that of the physical world – still imperfect, but augmenting capabilities and recognizing that this is increasingly how we get things done in the real world, where physical and digital are fused.
  • Accelerate knowledge acquisition by connecting knowledge shards to activities and tasks directly related to the context of work.
  • Guide knowledge development and problem-solving using rubrics that define the quality standard.

These may seem like abstract principles. Yet they are the ones that have enabled our team to:

  • achieve completion rates above ninety percent with cohorts of hundreds of learners;
  • kindle high motivation; and
  • foster the emergence of new forms of leadership for learning.

Building on the idea that education is a philosophy for change, our focus has shifted from learning outcomes – necessary but not sufficient – to a focus on supporting learners all the way to the finish line of impact.

Listen to the seventh TGLF Dialogue on learning, leadership, and impact

Reda SadkiLeadership, Writing

Every episode is different, drawing on the life experiences of Key Contributors and of listeners who become contributors by sharing their own learning and leadership challenges – and what they are doing about them.

For this Seventh Dialogue for Learning & Leadership, recorded on 26 September 2021, we have around our table for the first time three new Key Contributors.

  • Victoria J. Marsick, PhD, is a professor of Adult and Organizational Learning in the Department of Organization & Leadership, Teachers College, Columbia University. Prior to joining Teachers College, she was a training director at the United Nations Children’s Fund.
  • Dorothy Marcic went, she says, “from Footnotes to Footlights”. She quit academia and a regular paycheck to become a full-time playwright. She wrote two hit musicals, RESPECT, which has played 2800 performances in 72 cities and SISTAS, currently playing Off-Broadway in New York City for over six years.
  • Nabanita De‘s full-time occupation is as a cloud security engineer. She is also the founder of Returnships, a non-profit initiative, aimed to help women to get back to work after a long haul in career.

We welcome back Bill Gardner and Nancy Dixon, who listen and share their insights from the Dialogue, and thank Tari LawsonJoyce Muriithi, and Aanu Rotimi for their insightful contributions.

Listen to the sixth TGLF Dialogue on learning, leadership, and impact

Reda SadkiLeadership, Writing

In this sixth Dialogue for learning, leadership, and impact on 29 August 2021, Reda Sadki and Karen E. Watkins explore:

  • Is there a meaningful difference between change and transformation? Key Contributor Aliki Nicolaides believes that there is. She has just completed editing the new Palgrave Handbook of Learning for Transformation, a collection of more than 1,100 pages of research, thinking, and practice, exploring a more complex and deeper inquiry into the “Why of transformation.”
  • We talk to Australian communications guru Mike Hanley about how he learned to survive, adapt, and lead an organization’s communications in a world where, he says, “everything changes, in real time, as the digital media environment shifts with technology, trends and events.”
  • Tari Dawson is a doctor and teacher of medicine in Nigeria. She shares her leadership journey, revisiting a time during the HIV pandemic when she had to make difficult decisions to reshape an organization – and discovered that change is “a process, not a procedure.”
  • New digital platforms are transforming the relationships between creators and their patrons. We discuss Patreon CEO Jack Conte‘s perspective about the transformation of patronage in the Digital Age – and explore what this might mean for learning leaders. 

Listen to the fifth TGLF Dialogue on learning, leadership, and impact

Reda SadkiLeadership, Writing

Welcome to this fifth episode of the Geneva Learning Foundation’s Dialogue for Learning, Leadership, and Impact, recorded on 25 July 2021. First of all, with my Co-Convenor Karen E. Watkins, I want to thank the Contributors who have brought this Dialogue to life. There are many venues where leadership and learning are discussed. I do not know of another one quite like this one, focused on practitioners from everywhere working on everything, fusing theory and research with practice, and dedicated to exploration with no rigid institutional or disciplinary boundaries.

Bill Wiggenhorn, the legendary founder of Motorola University, is with us tonight for the first time. The other Key Contributors for this episode are: Katiuscia Fara, Bill Gardner, and Esther Wojcicki. Charlotte Mbuh, Emmanuel Musa, and Min Zha shared their leadership journeys. Other Contributors included: Esther Dheve Djissa, Joseph Ngugi, Joyce Muriithi, Morufu Olalekan Raimi, Muhammad Umar Sadkwa, and Ritha Willilo.

Together, we explored the following issues through the twin lenses of learning and leadership:

  1. Climate change specialist Katiuscia Fara contributed the following question for discussion: How to ensure equity when looking at digital trainings given that not everyone, and especially those most vulnerable, might have access to it. What are some of the solutions that we can look at in delivering at the last mile?
  2. For the first time, we called on Contributors to fill the “Empty Chair”. This was suggested by Nancy Dixon: choose a person in the room and ask them about their insights on leadership – and share their learning journey. Charlotte MbuhMin Zha, and Emmanuel Musa are the first to fill the chair.
  3. Return to shared physical space? With two corporate learning heavyweights in the room, we discussed what Chief Learning Officers (CLOs) should be advising Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) to navigate the seismic shifts in the world of work wrought by the digital transformation and compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Renaissance for global health


Reda SadkiEducation business models, Global health

For decades, learning in global health has depended on a conventional model premised on the scarcity of available knowledge and an emphasis on establishing mechanisms to transmit that knowledge from the center (capital city, headquarters) to the periphery (field, village, training room).

With the Internet, scarcity disappeared. But the economy of high-cost, low-volume training has persisted, with little or no accountability. Worse, transmissive training – replicating the least-effective practices from physical spaces – began to proliferate online in video-based training and webinars.

That economy need to be rebuilt in a digital-first age. It requires a new, long-term infrastructure.

The platforms that could do this are the ones that deeply care about the people they reach, with teams who understand that trust in boundless digital spaces must be earned. It has to come from the heart.

The quality of content also matters, but it is not sufficient.

The quality of conversation in the network – as well as the quality of the ‘pipes’ that connect those in it – matter more.

So does the quality of the relationships, both between the team and its members, but – perhaps even more so – between its members. 

There are a number of digital platforms that are trying to connect health workers. In aggregate, it is going to work. 

The fledgling efforts have been about how to reach people. The next phase is going to be about rebuilding the knowledge and learning engine that can drive not just performance and results, but also renew meaning and purpose.

This rebuilding will be based on trust. And on transferring ownership from those who initiated these platforms to those who need them.

Trust does not happen because a platform is easy to use. It does not happen because great content is being offered. It is not about getting the “user” to click the “register here” or “join now” calls to action. 

We have seen what happens when social media customers are advertisers rather than content creators. 

What is the business model for digital health education?

Competition in digital health education can foster a Renaissance for global public health.

We need platforms to succeed if we do not want to remain in the Dark Ages.